Saying No, is also a way of expressing love

“The art of leadership is saying no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.”

Tony Blair

Your life is based in decisions, most of the time the decision involve others. The question that usually arise is, should I say Yes or NO? and many times without thinking the answer is yes, leaving the consequences to the future.

However, is it really the future in charge of your decisions? Nope, your decisions are your decisions and you need to be responsable for them, so next time you are ask for something, I invite you to think twice before you say YES.

Do you find yourself saying Yes more than No?

Since we were little we have been taught to please everyone and to not be “selfish” thinking about ourselves was not an option. As a result we did not learn to love ourselves and to use the word NO to save us from some uncomfortable situations. Making others happy was the goal.

Check this list and find if these feeling apply to you:

Fear of not being included: by a group, by your friend, your partner, your family and children.

Feeling invaluable: you feel a urge to help all the time without measuring the consequences, because every time you do something for some one and they give you something back that is an award for you.

Feeling guilty: you do not want to make others feel bad. And you do not want to feel bad about yourself either, “If I don’t do it, I’m a bad friend,” “I’m a selfish or a bad person if I don’t help.”

Not feeling enough: you fill yourself with lots of compromises, because being overload make you feel responsable and a good caregiver.

Avoid conflict: Many of us are afraid of conflict. We don’t like others to be angry with us or critical of us. We therefore avoid saying “no” when we are afraid that it will put us into conflict with someone else, whether that someone is an intimate partner, a colleague or friend, or a supervisor or boss. Many of us also try to avoid battles with our children, because we feel that if we say “no” to them, they will stop loving us.

Kristin Wong: let us know also why we need to learn to say No more often.

Humans are social animals who thrive on reciprocity. It’s in our nature to be socially obliging, and the word no feels like a confrontation that threatens a potential bond. But when we dole out an easy yes instead of a difficult no we tend to over-commit our time, energy and finances.

These are some simple steps you can use to learn easy yourself from difficult commitments, saying no is also an expression of love:

  1. Stop, slow down and before you say YES, don’t compromise your being with things that don’t bring you satisfaction or joy, don’t do things just for commitment or to make someone else happy.
  2. You are first, remember when you travel by plane, who puts on the mask first? if you don’t take care of yourself – who will take care of you?
  3. Free yourself from conditioning, subtract importance to the comments of others about you. What matters is your own approval.
  4. Say NO to criticism, to judge and reproach.
  5. Be a guide, no a servant.
  6. Allow them to try by themselves, avoid to control the results.
  7. Evaluate whether is worth it or not losing your peace and harmony when you say YES instead of no.
  8. Improve your communications skills.
  9. Learn to love yourself.

In my work as a therapist over the years, I have certainly seen plenty of people that compromise their happiness with others because they do not have the capacity to see that saying no is another way to express love, love for themselves and others, usually they ended with lots of burden and unsatisfactory relationships.

I invite you to practice the simple steps above and feel free to comment your results. Remember loving yourself is the best way to accomplish everything in life, wishing you well!


-Cristina Toro
Sobre el autor

Love Promoters

Cristina is a Canadian Holistic healer, spiritual coach, and motivational speaker.  She
focus her teachings in self-love and forgiveness.
In 2011 She start creating consciousnesses In people about the importance of leading
their lives from the energy of love, then she founded website for
everyone interested in learning more about how love can benefit their life.
Cristina grew up in Medellin, Colombia where she attended college and university, she
studied Advertising, Psychology and then move to New Jersey, USA, where she lived
with her lovable spouse for about 3 and a half year then moved to Canada, she
established, made additional studies in psychology and in Reiki both studies contributed
a lot with her career, and have a daughter. The main Cristina’s passions are her family,
help others and study, she is always trying to find new things to learn to be able expand
her knowledge and also contribute in a positive way to the life of others.